Sunday, February 28, 2010

About this blog

First thing came to my mind when I decided to start a blog was this amazing cartoon of j.j.Sempe which I couldn't find to upload here: Two women are sitting in a cafe, chit chatting. One of them says to the other: It happened at two stage, II told myself: these are my memories, nobody can take it away from me. And then I thought: who would ever really want them? So who would really want them? Maybe my family or some friends, to know what I do in a foreign country when they are not busy with their own life. That would be reasonable if I wrote in persian, which is my native language. But I live in toronto now and I should talk and communicate in English all day long, so it's a good opportunity to practise my English,as well as sharing some experiences for those who like us, are searching for a new life in far away lands. P.S: As my dear salinger once said:"If there is an amateur reader still left in the world-or anybody who just reads and runs- I ask him or her, with untellable affection and gratitude", to mention my spells or grammar mistakes.