Friday, July 15, 2011

Something to share

I had some discoveries recently that I like to share with my girl friends that are living far from home and sometime find their situation unbearable। Before you put that self-pity, miserable, losers look on your face and start hating your new life, check the following symptoms:
Dehydration: sometimes a glass of water can do wonders.
Hunger: If you are feeling you’re about to cry over the stupidest thing, like when you are finally home and can’t find your keys and you are sure that they are somewhere in your big handbag. Best thing might be to make a decent meal. If you have nothing in the fridge, just call for a pizza or make yourself a grill cheese. Suddenly things aren’t that bad after you eat.
If after easting, you are still down and feel depressed or you need to cry a bit, check your period date, it might be a sign of PMS.
Try putting probiotics in your diet. They can easily be included, by eating yogurt daily.
And finally exercise is always recommended.
If all the things failed, go buy yourself a new pair of shoes. This will never fail.


  1. Downtown by petula Clark

  2. shopping and eating are the best options ! :)
    as you saw my pizza's pic today on facebook. :))))))
