We are now staying at a very beautiful cottage in countryside,far from town with some wonderful friends.The house is surrounded by jungle. It's an inspiring delight , when you have your warm cup of coffee behind the window with a view of trees in snow and people walking their dogs. Black dogs, white dogs, small dogs, huge dogs….
The houses are very old, some of them has a sign which shows what year did they build. It means this property is a heritage.Today we had a walk ( a very short one, cause the wind was freezing!) and we saw a cottage thats was build in 1845. Then a few steps further was a cemetery . I suddenly began to think about the people who first came into this area, lived their life here and also died here. They were immigrants like us. They probably came over the seas, women with their gowns and umbrellas whom found this land colder than they expected. How did they live their life? How long took for them to feel like home again? was this river a reason for them to build their houses here? who were their ancestors? And above all why they had to leave their home , their land?
The area is so beautiful that makes you think they were all lucky and lived happily ever after.
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